Elaine is a participant in the Avanti Wellness Community, and we support and inspire each other on our personal wellness journeys. Listen to Elaine's amazing health update and report that she shares from her recent eye visit. Here Doctor said he had never seen that before on such an old injury. We are thrilled for her rebounding benefits and look forward to learning more as they develop.
We are sharing these personal story as a way to inspire others to continually search for ways to improve your own health and wellness. Always contact your medical professional for their advice. We are not giving medical advice, we are only sharing our own personal stories of healing to offer your hope that the body is very miraculous.
This channel was created for entertainment purposes only. Always contact your own personal medical practitioners.
Join in the support and the journey with the Avanti Wellness Community.
Find us and Subscribe on my YouTube Channel, Avanti Wellness
If you have a episode idea or know someone who would be a great guest to highlight, please contact us.
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