March 5, 2024

49 | Carnivore Lindy Loses Over 500lbs & Starts Rebuilding Muscle & Bone Density w/ Rebounding #carnivore

49 | Carnivore Lindy Loses Over 500lbs & Starts Rebuilding Muscle & Bone Density w/ Rebounding #carnivore

Avanti Community Participant, Limitless Lindy, a Self Proclaimed Carnivore, has lost over 500lbs eating a primarily meat based diet.  A few weeks ago she started rebounding, using a mini trampoline, and has found greater levels of health than any other type of exercise.  She introduces us to her amazing journey of weight loss, the trials and tribulations of carrying so much weight for so many years and the steps she is taking today to create her best life.  You can learn more about her on her YouTube Channel  @LimitLessLindy  and also on Instagram.  Lindy would like to encourage all carnivores and people everywhere to consider rebounding as a form of movement to help with oxygen and blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, muscle and strength building and over all mental health.  Even if you have mobility issues there are ways you can use the rebounder sitting in a chair and then graduate to standing for a light health bounce while still getting great benefits daily.  Check out the video recommendation to see a chair exercise option.

We are sharing these personal stories as a way to inspire others to continually search for ways to improve your own health and wellness.  Always contact your medical professional for their advice.  We are not giving medical advice, we are only sharing our own personal stories to offer hope.

This channel was created for entertainment purposes only.  Join in the support and the journey with the Avanti Wellness Community. 

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If you have a episode idea or know someone who would be a great guest to highlight, please contact us.


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