57 | Introducing Heather Florio, CEO of Desert Harvest, Helping Women with Interstitial Cystitis & Vaginal Dryness for over 30 years

In this episode, we get to know Heather Florio, the CEO of Desert Harvest. She explains how Desert Harvest has supported the Interstitial Cystitis community for the past 30 plus years. We also get into some new product launches that are coming up. We hope you enjoy this episode. If you don't have vaginal dryness, you may know someone who does. This would be a great episode for them.
While Desert Harvest offers nutritional supplements and skincare to remedy a broad list of issues today, their story begins with the foundational passion to support those suffering from Interstitial Cystitis. Desert Harvest supports the Interstitial Cystitis / Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) community with the highest quality Super-Strength, Aloe Vera. We have done the research and surveyed over 50,000 IC/BPS customers to know what works for them, in what dosage, and how long it takes to feel the positive effects.
Desert Harvest Super-Strength Aloe Vera capsules have the highest concentration of 100% organic freeze-dried Aloe per capsule with no fillers, anthraquinones, or insoluble fiber. Learn more at www.desertharvest.com
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I recommend the Needak Rebounder that I've used for 20 years. https://bit.ly/3uU3ixr
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