The only thing constant in the world is change!

Lydia a.k.a. Butterflydia

Lydia  a.k.a. Butterflydia Profile Photo


I've spent years searching for sources that define SELF LOVE and SELF ACCEPTANCE and I've come to understand that even though I was seeking transformation, "I have always been the butterfly, even though I felt like a caterpillar." Just like the a mighty oak tree begins as a small acorn, we all have the components inside of us that are accessible whenever we are ready to fully express them. Be the butterfly now, be the mighty oak you seek now. It already lives inside of you, it is just waiting for you to release it and be free of any chains that bind you!

I am a seeker, a communicator, an HSP (highly sensitive person), empath, energy reader, claircognizant and clairsentient intuitive. I offer sessions where we work on releasing stuck energy and transform it into living with freedom and confidence.

I too am always evolving and transforming, I have determined that I will until I make my transition into the next life. However, while on this seekers journey, I look forward to inspiring and encouraging others, just as I work to inspire and motivate myself on a daily basis.

I've decided to host this podcast to introduce and connect people to the resources that will support them on their ever evolving life journeys. Let your journey begin!